Victoria, British Columbia: Trip Ideas

Victoria, British Columbia: Trip Ideas

Explore Victoria, British Columbia, with Tourism BC Field Reporter Chris Wheeler. Learn about trip ideas and things to do in Victoria, including the Inner Harbour, Royal BC Museum, shopping, afternoon tea at The Empress, Fan Tan Alley in Chinatown, brewpubs and more....
48 Hour Traveller: Cat Skiing

48 Hour Traveller: Cat Skiing

A 48 Hour Traveller Trip Clip gives you a taste of the powder at Big Red Catskiing Adventures in Rossland, British Columbia. The Kootenay Rockies have amazing snow and catskiing is the way to do it! Fresh tracks, deep powder, and no lines… need I say more? Trip...
Presentation at Tourism Wells Gray AGM

Presentation at Tourism Wells Gray AGM

Chris Wheeler Media was invited to speak at Tourism Wells Gray AGM last week to share knowledge about building your social media community and using video within it. Tourism Wells Gray is an example of a Destination Marketing Organization that has recently encompassed...