Tourism Jasper, Brewster, and Via Rail hired Chris Wheeler to produce the video “Give Me Jasper” for the 2010 Rendez-vous Canada event, the My Jasper website, and social media platforms. The videos were produced to have an authentic feel showing off both the place and people of Jasper. This ties into the “My Jasper Story” campaign that Tourism Jasper, marketing company Taxi, and Chris Wheeler Media are working on. Chris continues to provide video (web & HD B-roll) and social media marketing advice to Tourism Jasper.

Tourism Jasper Youtube Page:

My Jasper Story:

Below is a sample of other Tourism Jasper projects I have produced:

Video promotion based on Youtube and used here on Tourism Jasper’s website.

My Jasper video promotion based on Youtube and used here on Tourism Jasper’s main website.

Jasper video promotion based on Youtube and used here on Tourism Jasper’s main website.

Jasper Jamming Video showcased at 2010 Canada’s West Marketplace

Tourism Jasper Website

My Jasper Story

Jasper Youtube Page