by Chris Wheeler | Sep 29, 2011 | Rick Hansen Relay, Videos
For a number of communities that were not on the original Man In Motion World Tour route, the Rick Hansen Foundation is partnering with local municipalities to recognize local difference makers at celebratory events, as part of its coast-to-coast-to-coast 25th...
by Chris Wheeler | Sep 13, 2011 | Field Reporter, Videos
The 2011 RBC GranFondo Whistler brought together 7,000 cyclists that rode a 122 kms from the start gate in downtown Vancouver to the finish line at the natural playground of Whistler. The ride travels the world’s most scenic coastal mountain corridor, British...
by Chris Wheeler | Sep 9, 2011 | 48 Hour Traveller, Videos
The Madawaska River in the Ottawa Valley is an amazing canoe adventure that has whitewater rapids, gentle paddling sections, and nice campsites. This 48 Hour Traveller Trip Clip gives you a snapshot of paddling down picturesque sections of this river. We are at a...
by Chris Wheeler | Aug 26, 2011 | Rick Hansen Relay, Videos
25 Years in the making: Rick Hansen commences 25th Anniversary Relay in Cape Spear, Newfoundland. Twenty-five years to the date of his Man In Motion World Tour commencing its cross-Canada journey, Rick Hansen returned to Newfoundland and...
by Chris Wheeler | Aug 2, 2011 | Rick Hansen Relay
Chris Wheeler Media is excited to announce that we will be filming the Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay. We will cover the journey providing broadcast packages and posting web episodes of the relay from key locations across Canada. We are honored to join such an...